Author: Chris Landon

  • Transfiguration Sunday

    This Sunday is a holy day called Transfiguration Sunday. Transfiguration Sunday marks the end of the season after Epiphany (ordinary time) and begins the change to the season of Lent which leads up to Easter. Of course, Lent doesn’t start until Ash Wednesday, but Transfiguration Sunday marks the beginning of the change in season. Admittedly…

  • Second Sunday After Pentecost

    During Easter we talked quite a bit about the already and coming kingdom of God. We look ahead to it as the ideal, as the hopeful vision of the future, but yet we live according to that kingdom now. Paul in Galatians gives us an example of the social ethics that guide the community that…

  • Sixth Sunday of Easter

    Normally, when we are discussing the Kingdom of God in sermons, it is starting with the life of Jesus or the other New Testament writers or even the Old Testament writers and then reading forward to the church and how we are meant to live today. We talk about the tension of the already and…

  • Fifth Sunday in Lent

    We are going to start this morning, not with the Isaiah reading directly, but an earlier story. We are going to start this morning by talking about the exodus. One of my professors at NES, Richard Middleton, wrote a fantastic book entitled, “A New Heaven and A New Earth.” It is a book that was…

  • Third Sunday in Lent: Seeking God Through Repentance

    I find winter to be a horribly depressing time. I can’t stand the cold, the snow, or the gray, deadness of everything. I will admit that there are times when looking out the window and seeing the falling snow blanketing the ground can be beautiful. It makes for a picturesque Christmas eve. But it is,…

  • First Sunday in Lent

    Holidays at Arbor House You may have noticed over the last two years here at Arbor House, that we don’t celebrate a lot of holidays. Perhaps a better way to put it is, we are very particular in what holidays that we do celebrate. So while most churches would celebrate Mother’s day, Father’s day, Memorial…

  • Seventh Sunday After Epiphany

    A couple chapters after the Gospel reading in Luke 10, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. He tells that story in response to a question. Jesus is asked by an expert in the law, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus says, “What is written in the Law?” To which the…

  • Third Sunday After Epiphany

    How do we know/relate to God? Scripture and worship In the biblical story the Israelites, after years in captivity in the exile, are allowed to return to Jerusalem. The city laid in ruins from when the Babylonians came and laid siege to it and conquered the nation of Israel. Much of the book of Ezra…

  • Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost

    Prayer from Job 23 “Today also our complaint is bitter;your hand is heavy despite our groaning.Oh, that we knew where we might find you,that we might come even to your dwelling!we would lay our case before you,and fill our mouth with arguments.we would learn what you would answer us,and understand what you would say to…

  • Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost: Life Against Death

    Quentin Tarantino is rumored to be working on a Star Trek movie. When I heard that, it struck me as odd. Of all the directors that could make a decent Star Trek movie, his name does not immediately come to mind. I think that he has made some great movies, and is an iconic director…